Ian Kahn : Introduction

Hello, my name is Ian, I am a computer science major , with a minor in Gaming. I am very interested in this class because something that always drew me to computer science was how it stood out to me compared to other fields within stem and engineering because it truly seems like while computer science is a very technical degree, it certainly utilizes , encourages, and almost requires creativity to solve problems and create programs. I feel like this class is an excellent example of the combination of creativity and technical knowledge that I really love about computer science.

While there are plenty of computational design projects that interest me, one in particular would be the production teams for electronic music shows which I am very passionate about. In particular, I really love dubstep so the laser and stage productions that particularly Excision hires always go above and beyond. In particular , there is a lot of pre programming , timing, and live production that takes place in these events to make a show that is very immersive and above and beyond.

As far as the type of computing for these laser audio stage displays , routines are typically pre programmed and timed to fit beat drops and the tempos in advanced using a laser / visual programming software , and then midi controllers are typically used to activate the visual / audio sequences by a tech team during live production to go along with the Artist.


3 thoughts on “Ian Kahn : Introduction

  1. Hey Ian!

    It’s awesome to hear that you’re minoring in gaming. I’ve dabbled in game development over the years and absolutely love it! Your project caught my eye because it highlights the exciting ways technology can elevate music and other forms of art. I’ve been to a few shows where lasers, fireworks, and even fire were perfectly synchronized with the music. It was such a mind-blowing experience!

    Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of your Computer Science degree!

  2. Hey Ian! I’m looking forward to working with you again this semester! You have been a great friend and classmate. I think it is really cool that you chose lasers and stage production as your project. I’ve been to a couple of your DJ setups and I really enjoyed it. Hopefully you can learn some things in this class to further your DJ career.

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