Final Project Update – Luka Bazar


Creating code to generate the Turing patterns was quite difficult but not for complexity reasons, I tried to import NumPy and it took me far longer than I’d like to admit to get that figured out. I had tried using Python lists, but even with the NumPy arrays the code is fairly intensive so the lists would have been so much worse. Turing patterns are created on plot grids so I attached a height to the concentration (instead of color which is generally used to see the patterns). Below are these points turned into a surface using SrfGrid (which creates a single surface based on given points).

These patterns where placed on the two different forms below, using a surface morph in different ways.

Below are these objects printed (the cylinder on the left was the first iteration but the pattern extruded too far and left gaps due to the overhanging and I found that it was also too large, so the right cylinder remedies these issues) and the wavy shape on the right uses the same depth on the pattern.

In order to mold these forms I intially was going to use plastic quart take out containers, but I have always had issues with hot glue and it never sticking to anything, so I decided to just 3D print the container to hold the silicone attached to the forms. Below are images of these, and when printed the borders are a single layer so they can be easily removed if necessary.

I managed to print both of these forms out and poured the silicone molding material into both, the cylinder has quite a large bubble but the base is pretty thick so I think it won’t cause any issues. I haven’t gotten the chance to take them out but I am not getting the candles and wicks until later this week so there isn’t much more to be done at the moment.

Updated Timeline

Week 13 (November 11): Set up the required code to be able to generate these patterns with variable inputs and find a collection of those that are interesting or cool to look at. Finished.

Week 14 (November 18): Iterate different methods of printing these generated patterns, and decide by now or hopefully earlier if I want to create candles and buy the supplies for that. Finished.

Week 15 (November 25): Finalize the collection of objects with these generated patterns, and start the molding and casting process of the 3D printed forms for candles if I conclude this is an option that I am comfortable with from the previous deadline. I have started the molding/casting process but I want to make at least one more form.

I am still on track with my original timeline but I’m doing a bit of jumping around with the process, the final forms and candles should be done by the final deadline.

Updated Deliverables

As stated above I still want to create another form using the Turing patterns that with a complex shape as to not worry about the restrictions with having to mold/cast the object. There will be two candles at least and a combined total of at least three final objects, all of which that are different base forms and patterns.

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