Small Assignment: Scott Hudson – Qinghong Shao

I choose the paper of Printed Optics: 3D Printing of Embedded Optical Elements for Interactive Devices

Printed Optics: 3D Printing of Embedded Optical Elements for Interactive Devices | DevLab (

The reason why I choose this paper because I interested in exploring how to combine the 3D printing with interactive functions. As we know, the work we print using 3D printer it is static, it can’t respond to your input, including touch, push, voice. In the past few months, the idea i think is to place electronic components that accept user input inside the printed object, in this way it may work? The paper I choose provides a exciting approach to design 3d printing interactive devices.

The main contributions is they present a new approach which could help people design 3d printing custom optical element, it can be applied on the interactive devices. Compared with traditional devices, this approach is more accessible and promising.

unique display surfaces made from 3D printed ‘light pipes’ (a), novel internal illumination techniques (b), custom optical sensors (c), and embedded optoelectronics (d).

The second thing that impressed me a lot is the envsion of their group, as shown in Figure a above, maybe it is possible we could produce interactive devices by 3D printing layers by layers, like PLA and Clay printing, rather than assemble different parts together like Figure b. However, there is also a question, it seems the interactive devices consists of many materials, shell structures and core electronic components. How could the printer finish this task?

This is a 3D printed mobile projector accessory using embedded light pipes (a) to map a projected image onto a characters eyes (b). It is interesting that it could receive the sensor of voice, for example,”wake up”, “do you like a pizza?”, its shape will change to respond the voice it receive.

3 thoughts on “Small Assignment: Scott Hudson – Qinghong Shao

  1. Implementing electronics to help create interactive devices is a incredibly interesting approach. However, as you mentioned, it brings with it a lot of challenges you have to overcome. I’m interested to see how you overcome those challenges and to see what your final project will end up looking like!

    1. hhhh:) no worries, I like your comment. It is exciting to implement electronics into printed work so that we can interact with them. I will also explor this research direction for my future year, combing the electronics with metal clay printing!

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