Bat and Ryan’s Final Project Proposal


For our final project we want to 3D print a shoe with complex designs that involve algorithmic techniques. We may explore different filaments and mess with GCode in our process. As for deliverables, we want a fully wearable shoe or pair of shoes.

Team Members

Bat-Ochir and Ryan Cruz


Nov. 14-15: Research materials and designs in order to create structurally sound rough draft of shoe. Know which materials and processes are needed and compile those.

Nov. 21-22: By using algorithmic process and grasshopper we’ll have initial designs coded and available in Rhino.

Nov. 28-29: Start printing models in order to have fully printed rough handheld designs and checking for any imperfections in order to improve final design.

Dec. 5-6: By tweaking any imperfections and nailing down our design we will have a final model ready and printed.

Related Work:

The following link includes a paper that discusses the current state and future of footwear. It’ll help us see what techniques and challenges we need to discuss when designing the base of the shoe.

The following link includes a paper that discusses footwear design and manufacturing. It’ll help us look at some standard process for creating footwear but more important what kind of material is being used in these designs.

The following link includes a paper that discusses materials used and workflow for the midsole. Will help us (hopefully) create a more comfortable shoe involving the midsole.

10 thoughts on “Bat and Ryan’s Final Project Proposal

  1. Hello Bat and Ryan,

    I love your idea of printing a shoe I think its a very creative idea for this project. I think this could be a good business idea for you both to start creating shoes for people with full customizability. Do you plan to build the walls of the shoe by printing freestanding filament like in our G-Code project or print them separately and put the shoe together afterwards?

    1. Hey Patrick,

      Thanks for your comment! Maybe if we get bigger printers we can start talking about a business lol but for now we’re a bit limited on the shoe sizes. We do plan on using freestanding filament in order to print the walls.

  2. Hi Bat and Ryan,
    Really cool idea, this a cool route to go not only with the idea of printing shoes but a way to dive into materials. Your second related article is so cool! The shock absorbing shoes are so unique. I cannot wait to see what you guys come up with throughout this project!

    1. Hey Andrea,

      Thank you! One of your inspirations involved some sort of suspensions with included with the shoe. Although we may not get to this idea it’s what started this whole thing so we hope to get close or complete it fully!

  3. Hi guys,
    Your idea sounds pretty fun. I saw a video I think on youtube of a guy that made some 3d printed crocs shoes using tpu filament. I think my printer wouldn’t be able to print a shoe in my size, I’m curious as to how your wearable shoes will be printed.

    1. Hi, German!
      Thank you for your commend! And yea, we also thought it would be fun to print a wearable shoe and we were inspired by articles and 3D printed shoe videos that gave us idea to try it out for our project! We are excited to print wearable shoe!

  4. Depending on how available of an option this is, I think your project would provide a great opportunity to explore combining different filament materials. For example, a rubber-like material like TPU could be used for the outsole while the rest of the shoe could take inspiration from the Defextiles MIT project using PLA.

    I see some cool paths you take this project. I look forward to reading the final report!

    1. Hi, Nathan!
      Definitely! If we have enough time for the project and not run into issues we will explore combining different filament materials! Thank you for your comment!

  5. Hey Bat and Ryan,

    Your project sounds amazing! Like Liz’s idea, creating something that could actually be used by someone is really exciting—especially with a fully wearable shoe (or pair!). It’ll be impressive to see how the complex, algorithmic designs come together in a functional piece.

    Good luck, and I’m looking forward to seeing the final product!

    1. Thank you! Yeah we didn’t just want to create art even though exploring that would be great too! We want to push the limits and people’s ideas of what a 3D printer can do. We’re looking forward to our final product as well! Thanks for the comment.

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