Elektra’s Final Project Proposal


For my final project I wanted to 3D print a bag that emulates the properties of fabric, allowing for natural movement and flexibility. To achieve this, I intend to experiment with some combination of GCODE manipulation, chainmail-style structures, and printing directly onto fabric.


A 3D printed bag that demonstrates the desired flexibility and textile qualities. I also intend to demonstrate the bag bearing some reasonable amount of weight.

Team Members:

Just me.


Nov 13-15: Pick a selection of different textile techniques that pique my interest and design swatches as an example of each.

Nov 18-22: Print swatches and adjust design as needed. Start considering bag design and what extra components may be needed to enhance the final deliverable.

Nov 25-29: Choose a selection of textile techniques to use when making the bag and finish designing the bag.

Dec 2-6: Print the components of the bag and assemble into the final product.

Related Work:

https://dl-acm-org.libproxy.unm.edu/doi/pdf/10.1145/3379337.3415876 – DefeXtiles through GCODE under extrusion.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrea-Ehrmann/publication/321228371_Effect_of_3D_printing_on_textile_fabric/links/5a1c723e4585153731890817/Effect-of-3D-printing-on-textile-fabric.pdf – 3D printing on fabric. It includes the effects of nozzle temp, flow rate, extrusion width, etc.

https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/server/api/core/bitstreams/c22a25ff-46da-477a-b09d-ab3ede4b5ab0/content – Chainmail like design

https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9691798 – Weave patterns

8 thoughts on “Elektra’s Final Project Proposal

  1. Hello Elektra,

    That idea sounds incredibly interesting, I can’t wait to see how it pans out! I think there is a business path that you could take where you make handbags out of this with different customizable designs and patterns. I am primarily thinking of how concerts require see through bags you could use clear filament and make a bag that people enjoy looking at instead of what is currently on the market. I can’t wait to see the final product!

    1. I hadn’t thought about the see through bag application! It is a good idea. I am hoping I will have fun trying out different textile prints for this project and hopefully come up with something interesting at the end.

  2. Hey Elektra,
    This idea seems really fascinating. What type of GCODE ideas are you thinking as of now? Also what type of filaments are you planning on using? Great work so far, Im hyped to see your final product!

    1. I am thinking about manipulating the extrusion rate with GCODE. As of now I am planning to start with PLA but I have heard that TPU filament is more flexible and rubbery so I might try that as well, but haven’t decided yet.

  3. Hi Elektra,
    This is a really cool proposal idea. Have you ever knit or crocheted a bag? I feel like that could be an interesting jumping-point or comparison for this project! For testing weight, do you have a goal in mind for how much you want it to be able to hold?

    1. I have never knit or crocheted a bag. In terms of weight I think a reasonable goal is to have it be able to hold at least the weight of my phone and my wallet.

  4. Hi Elektra,
    Printing directly onto fabrics is a very compelling idea! I think there are a lot of neat possibilities for imprinting both texture and structure that way. Lizard scales come to mind. I’m looking forward to seeing your final project.

    1. I think printing on fabric will make it more sturdy and give opportunity for different types of designs. We’ll see what I can come up with haha!

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