Large Assignment 1: 3D Modeling & 3D Printing (REPOST)

Part 1: Curves

Part 2: Surfaces

Part 3: Solids

Part 4: 3D Printing

Trying two prints, with the first being 3×3″ in size but a small height challenges faced was warping on this print due to my nozzle being low in temperature and not adhesive to the bed but turned out how I modeled it after adjusting 3mm high. For the second print this one was 3″ ^3 and was more of a solid print that was made from the selected commands and simple for my printer with sharp curves and spheres was an attempt for myself and the printer making these shapes come to 3D. Wanting to try a topography it was a test for my modeling skills and printing skills but also an idea on how long/detailed topography can take at this small of a scale and fragile.