Final Project Update

Progress Made

As of typing this post I have made much progress on my initial concept of a video game aspect being printed and brought to the real world, although I have changed my initial target. Before I wanted to create the character known as “Steve” from the hit game Minecraft, however attempting to do so proved much harder than I had initially anticipated, as a character with nothing but squares turned out to be very complicated. It wasn’t so much the square aspects of him that were difficult, rather it was the entirety of his movement aspects. Initially I wanted to be able to move all of his body parts, but as I went on I could not figure out how to add in joint points that would both stay in as well as move the way I wanted, each time it would either fall out for my design being to lose or the joints would not fit together causing no movement at all. So I had to scrap this idea as I simply did not have the time nor knowledge to attempt this aspect at my current level. Instead I decided to work on something much more akin to what I know, pixel art. Instead of creating the character I decided to use his tools for this project instead.



Initially my timeline was to include all of the deliverables and the character by the 5th, using the time before to hammer out all the kinks and become a piece to turn in by that time, but by me changing up what it is I am delivering I had to adjust the timeline a tiny bit. All the work previously done was simply repurposed into this aspect. That being the creation of the squares and their depth’s and length’s as well as using 3d renders I managed to find online to do exact pixel measurements and recreate them as faithfully as I could in Rhino. As you can see by the photos above some of the testing while doing the prints didn’t come out exactly right, as the pickaxe in particular caused me the most trouble, but I’ll explain more of that on the final presentation.


Before I chose to create a moving character, but seeing as how I lacked the imagination and technical skills to be able to create linking parts to have him move, instead I have chosen to create his tools of which there are three. They are a pickaxe, sword, and regular ax. My final plan is to scale these up to the maximum size my printer allows but may have to be smaller simply because of time limitations, regardless I will do my best to upscale all of them faithfully as well as hopefully paint and be able to present faithful representations.