Final Project Update

I have started making my software that takes in an image like a cricut and then draws the image either on directly onto fabric or a palette of the 3d printed material to make an interesting makeup palette or tile. I am most excited about making an alternative to a vinyl cutter like the cricut for articles of clothing that might be fun temporarily but are not something the wearer wants long term.

Design Progress

I have made the base for my make up pallets. I also started reading a lot of different sources on how to read the image in without a plug in. I was trying to use a Python module PIL as the types of images that could be used was not limited to .bmp. I think after looking I will have to open the file in binary mode and parse in the data I need from there. 

The images don’t look like a lot but my base is sloid and the print lines are easily smoothed

Project Progress

The beet root powder stains the muslin and washes out even when heat is added which is great! I aplied the beet clay into different ways and then ironed the muslin. I tried applying it with my hands to see if how much the powder was pushed into the muslin impacted the end result. This approached washed out completely.

I also applied the beet clay via a 3d printer to make sure I got crisp lines. I did but it was much harder to get clean. After a soak and some scrubbing there was a very faint yellow line.

My palettes print cleanly and crisply. (see image above)

Updated Timeline 

  1. Week 1 
    1. Find the right mordent/beet alternative for a permanent option.
    1. Have all elements of code completed to tweak to the materials.
    1. Finalize any dying experiments.
  2. Week 2
    1. Document processes 
    1. Create several examples.
    1. Make power point.

Updated Timeline 

  1. Two t-shirt designs one with stable dye and the other with unstable dye.
  2. One beautiful three dimensional make up palette. This design will use an image file that is also used in one of the t-shirt designs. 

2 thoughts on “Final Project Update

  1. Hi Erin! This looks awesome. I love the idea of dying the fabrics with the beet clay, and printing the designs!! The clay from the first part looks like such an interesting texture. It looks delicious haha! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out

  2. This is such and interesting project Erin! I am excited to see how you’re final designs come out, especially the make up pallet. I love the idea of something that is aesthetically beautiful but also functional.

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