Final Project Update

My project is coming along slowly but surely. After designing a few pieces of bowls I decided on the one design to make sure I have to time to finish. I mapped out where I want certain distinctions in the clay model so that the design pops out. Then went into Grasshopper and played with the code until my design came to life. I was able to wrap a bowl and it looks perfect. Now I need to test the 3D clay making process. 

Documentation of project progress through at least one physical prototype or design component. Your post should include at least one image that documents the physical progress you have made so far.

Idea, organization and coding

My timeline so far has gone as planned, This week I need to start printing and doing any fine adjustments before creating the final project. Making adjustments to the 3D printer I imagine will be a big part of this portion of the project. 

4 thoughts on “Final Project Update

  1. Hello Christopher, It looks like you are doing well on your project. I also really like that you show the process of getting the design in the specific format that you want. I can’t wait to see the final product. Good Luck!

    1. This along with the last project have been very hard. But when I finally got to this point and see what I can actually make in the physical world I really got excited. I’m hoping that the rest of the process goes a little more smoothly as we are nearing the end. I may have to change a couple things on the pot itself so that it doesn’t fall during production but I think I’m on the right track here.

  2. Hey Christopher,
    Your results thus far really invoke the feeling of traditional Native American pottery, exactly as you intended which is of course great news. In a historical sense, these baskets and pottery used extreme amounts of math as well in their creation (though I doubt they used any Python to help out!), which I think is a really cool, poetic way to think about how computational design has been in the world around us in different forms for a long time!

    1. Why thank you very much, I’m very happy with how the results so far have turned out. And it is exciting to have and see a computer take a thought and all the math behind it and turn it into a physical item. Of course nothing compares to the beautifully hand crafted Native American work, but this just shows the distance we can go into the future when combining past, present and future ideas and materials. It’s wonderful to be a part of something new and exciting.

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