Atah Omar – Final Project Update

Overall, I wasn’t able to follow my deadlines too well. I got busy with other things, but I was able to to create a general lattice structure of a cube. I found a grasshopper plugin that helps create lattice structures of different sizes, shapes, and surfaces. I have time this week and will be working a lot of this project. Here is a picture in rhino of my lattice structure.

Right now, I am having trouble with the actual exporting of the stl, since I have created a mesh of the cube and using the points in the cube to create the lattice structure. When I try to export the geometry as an stl file, I get an error saying, there isn’t any surfaces. I am experimenting with it some more, to create to other lattice structures, with a diamond type of structure and a hexagonal one too.

UPDATE: I was able to figure out how to export the stl. I am using a grasshopper plugin that helps use the mesh and the lines of the lattice structure and create a model of the lattice structure that is easy to see the structure and all the surfaces. I am also using a bamboo TPU filament. The plugin I am using is Dendro, which is only available on windows, so I am using my pc for my final project.

Updated Timeline and Deliverables

Nov 27th – Have Dendro Plugin working
Nov 28th – Print the first lattice structure to test out the filament and printing time
Dec 5th – Have Multiple lattice structures printed and have presentation ready

3 thoughts on “Atah Omar – Final Project Update

  1. Hello Atah, that lattice looks amazing! What plugin did you use? I am starting to experiment more and more with the grashopper and i am finding so many neat plugins.
    Good luck on finalizing your project!

    1. Thank you, the plugin is called Dendro. It is only available on windows. It took me a while to figure out, but I got it working and have printed my first lattice structure.

  2. Hi Atah, your lattice looks really cool! It reminds me a bit of Johannes Kepler’s model of the solar system from the 1500’s. Excited to see your end result good luck!

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