Jaime – Final Project Progress

I have switched my final project from elevation visualization to further developing my travel path-minimizing slicer. Horizontal travel path-minimization is working, and I just got the vertical slicing piece of my algorithm working and will soon begin printing examples in clay, playdough, and/or metal. I don’t have a physical piece to offer in this post, but I have some visuals of the tool path I can show:

The seam in this case is at to the closest point on the outer contour to its center of mass, and I will be changing that so that the start point for each layer does not jump around as much.

I should have examples that have been sliced with my algorithm printed by the end of the week, and will continue to produce more of them as the weeks progress. If the gifs above are not working, I have also uploaded the video file of the tool path with vertical and horizontal minimization.

One thought on “Jaime – Final Project Progress

  1. Hello Jaime, This looks fascinating to me as i’m always looking at the details and how to improve them. The seem is one of those things I’ve looked at for a while now. Granted I have A LOT of work to do when it comes to understanding all the coding and grasshopper functions. But when it comes to figuring out problems like the one you’ve found, thats where I get a little more excited to find the issue and fix it. Looking forward to seeing your results.

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