Michaela – Final Project Update

My current progress on the final project is almost non-existent as there doesn’t seem to be free time to actually do it. Being swamped with other projects of this class has been super challenging.

I printed a few items, but I am not quite sure if that is the look that I am looking for. I definitely will have to scale down my project from the initial idea. I don’t think I have enough time to make it as intended. I will probably work with what I have for now.

My timeline has changed somewhat, as I don’t feel like I have enough time to do it in such way as I first wanted t0 (particularly due to the Project 5 😭). C’est la vie ❤️


  • November 9th: Have all research finished (what parts are needed, different materials achievable, etc.) and parts ordered and delivered (probably from Amazon) -> I was able to get my materials & research done
  • November 16th: Figure out the code and have a couple of test prints done -> I was able to get a few shapes printed, but I want it to be a bit different, but for most part, my code is solid
  • November 23rd: Thanksgiving Break/ Have at least a part of the final design done -> I was able to get a few shapes printed
  • December 5th: Have most of the design finished
  • December 7th: Finished project delivered


  • I still would like to deliver the same idea, as originally intended, but not in the same scale. I will provide single canvas with different 3D printed design in pattern with various textures as my inspiration below. I am making it more fuzzy, implementing what I learned during our GCode project.

This is what I have so far:

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving break! Let’s get this semester finished strong, with a bang! 🎉💪

2 thoughts on “Michaela – Final Project Update

  1. Hi Michaela, I love how you’ve made such fuzzy different prints. The colors look really cool and vibrant. I wish you all the best in the printing process. Good luck!

    1. Hi Raneem, thank you for the encouraging words. I am a bit stressed out about the timeline, but I hope it will work out. Good luck to you too.

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