Andy Thornhill – Large Assignment 5

This assignment really threw me for a loop. A big problem I had was continuously attempting to combine different parts of the assignment without any form of success. I think I was able to achieve the assignment in the end after doing each of the parts individually instead of all-together, though it took me much longer than anticipated.

Part 1:
I actually spent the most amount of time on Part 1, initially when I read the prompt, for some reason, I thought I was supposed to create an escher tile starting from either a hexagon or triangle tileset, I had spent so much time attempting to create a hexagonal grid that allowed me to adjust the sides to create a unique tileset that I only had about a few hours to get everything else together.
When I finally split up parts A and B: I created this odd leaf looking pattern. The A and B lines are identical. The individual shape looks kinda like a leaf, but I think with the blue/yellow patterns it reminds me of a lightning bolt of sorts. I was also able to create a hexagon grid using our existing code.

Part 2:
Even after the demonstration, I still wasn’t exactly sure what we were going for with the 3d tiling. I ended up creating a pretty simple 3d shape that would tile together like a honeycomb. In doing so, the physical tiles are hard to keep together to show the actual tiling.

Part 3:
For this part, I took an egg shape that I used from the data representation assignment and used that as my base surface. The tiles don’t seem to perfectly fit when going around the egg, so there is an odd gap in one section where tiles won’t fit. The tiles also would not morph to the top/bottom of the egg but resulted in a cool looking spikes.


5 thoughts on “Andy Thornhill – Large Assignment 5

  1. Hi Andy, I really like your Esher tessellation. Using the same curve on either side gives it a pleasing symmetry, and the colors make it look really dynamic. I particularly like how it looks on your vessel. It is really satisfying to see it get smaller and smaller at the top and the bottom.

    1. Hey Camila, I kept trying different shapes for the tiles but kept coming back to this one, I also really like the symmetry it has. I was tempted to change the colors around a little bit but I liked the blue and yellow combo so I didn’t even change those much.

  2. Hi Andy,
    I really like your Escher tile its interesting how different it looks as an individual tile compared to tiling the plane, it looks much spikier tiling the plane than it actually is its a nice optical illusion. I like to choice to morph onto the egg too the spikes at the top where it didn’t complete the morph are cool I agree. Nice work!

    1. Hey Michel, I’m glad you like the tiling and my choice to put it onto the egg shape. I had thought about trying to fix the whatever issue was causing it to not fill in the top/bottom of the egg, but once I saw those spikes at the top and bottom I decided to keep it that way.

  3. Hi, Andy,
    Your 3D tiling is very inspiring. Your tiles are arranged vertically rather than in an X-Y 2D space.

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