(New) Final Project Proposal


After the large project we did with Slicing and gCode, I decided to change the direction of my final project. I truly enjoyed figuring out the different texture and shapes using computational fabrication and manipulation of the gCode itself, creating the desired texture and shape.

I would like to use what I learned in the class and my own experimenting during the project and create large art pieces portraying something unique. I am thinking of adhering various shaped textures with different angles developed using the techniques of slicing and gCode development on large canvas, using my clear glass PLA and maybe even adding different colors of the “clear”, glass-like, material. I am envisioning it to be more artistic than practical and quite large. Like adhering the shapes to large canvas.


  • November 2nd: Start working on project and figure out the direction (shape/style)
  • November 9th: Have all research finished (what parts are needed, different materials achievable, etc.) and parts ordered and delivered (probably from Amazon)
  • November 16th: Figure out the code and have a couple of test prints done
  • November 23rd: Thanksgiving Break/ Have at least a part of the final design done
  • November 30th: Have most of the design finished
  • December 7th: Finished project delivered

Related Work

I had a vision in my mind that I would like to achieve and the closest references that I could come up with are:

Herschel Shapiro’s work is absolutely beautiful and incredibly visually pleasing. His website can be found HERE.

I very much enjoyed finding his work and seeing his art, because his work most resembles what I am trying to achieve and what I was envisioning in my mind when I first decided to change the direction of my project, although his project seems on much larger scale than I can achieve in the timeframe given. His work has given me and idea of using a different shades, and perhaps using colors of the same color family.

You can see his Instagram account: Herschel Shapiro’s Instagram

Another artist is Celia from WhiteHaus Living. Her primary medium is moss, but I though more about the texture and different colors of her work. I am not sure if there is a filament with various grades of green, pink, etc. to recreate the shaded versions of moss and flowers. You can find her work HERE.

I find her work incredibly inspiring based on the textures and beautiful vibrant colors.
