Atah Omar – LA4: GCode

Design 1: Fermat’s Spiral

For my first design I knew I wanted to do some type of spiral. I was doing some research of mathematical designs and found the Fermat’s Spiral. This print was fairly simple, I all I had to do was to create the algorithm and print the design. At first my biggest trouble was my prints not coming out properly, whether there is being too much of a layer height increase. This my final object for the Fermat’s Spiral.

Design 2: Prism with Star Design

For my second design I went with creating a generic hexagon prism and at a specific layer to create a design on the inside of the prism. I used the base of what we did in class and create a prism object and set the geometery to that object and do what I need from there. What I didn’t release was when you start printing the design, I hadn’t made the forward motion long enough so the first couple lines of the design make a loop thing until the other lines of the design can stay on top of the first lines. Here is my final design for the prism.

Design 3: Hexagon Prism with Non-Planar movement

This was by far the most challenging object for me. After hours of trial and error trying to get my object to have some sort of non-planar movement, I had went back to our code we created in class using the 2 turtle setup and finally was able to create a hexagon prism that showed the non-planar movement. Here is my final design.


Just like most of us, I started out by just creating random designs and see how they how look. Here are some of the designs I created and printed along with some of my faulty prints.

GrassHopper Code

4 thoughts on “Atah Omar – LA4: GCode

  1. Hi Atah, your prints turned out really great. I found the code for Design 2 so cool with the way the movements weaved together to present a spider web form. I agree that the star starts to become more vivid once it builds up on each other. Great forms overall!

    1. Thank you. I didn’t realize the print wasn’t long enough, so I just decided to leave it.

  2. Hey Atah,
    I also found that a lot more of my prints failed than what I expected. I think this was actually a bed adhesion issue on my end and I was thankfully able to resolve it using a small amount of glue stick on the bed. Aside from that, I really enjoy the look of your non-planar hexagon. It shows that movement so well and I think was worth the time and effort you gave it!

    1. Thank you, I had to use rubbing alcohol after every print to help make sure my prints would stay.

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