Small Assignment – Final Project Proposal, Student Work 2023

Elijah Maestas Final Project Proposal


For my final project I have a multitude of ideas all related to bringing things from games to the 3d printing press using both project 1 and 2 as references for how to create them. The first Idea I had was to create a character from a popular gaming franchise, and be able to put him together using techniques discussed in class to make a fully formed figure rather than just printing him whole. I found some interesting videos and ideas as well in regards to the creation of mythical items and jewelry with unique designs in the same franchise but for now my initial focus and main point will be the creation of this character and possibly 2 additional assets for him to either hold or wear in addition to his main body.


Week 1: Identify the core aspects of his character creation and identify the areas in which “joints” will need to be created in order to fit the pieces together, as well as craft additional items if there is time left over and the initial main body is done.

Week 2: Begin test printing, see what sizes the structure begins to fail and cannot hold it’s own weight, as well as further improving the initial design should any pieces by misshapen or not slot in correctly.

Week 3: Final touches and print, make sure the accessories are also present but not main focus, the print should be able to stand on it’s own and attain some degree of movement, akin to that of an action figure or Barbie doll.

Related Work

Linked here is a article that gave me the initial idea and lead me to look into this aspect of printing, my process won’t exactly mirror there’s since I plan to try and make the pieces myself rather than take them from the files but the same principle applies here for motivation and such,

Here also is an example of what we could possibly bring by using this technology in this sphere, and what this could mean/lead to in the future of both game’s as well as their applications and developments.

3 thoughts on “Small Assignment – Final Project Proposal, Student Work 2023

  1. This sounds awesome! Have you chosen a character? How are you planing to break down the geometry of your pieces?

  2. Hi Elijah, your idea is very unique. I’m actually excited to see how it turns out. How will you plan on helping the characters hold those accessories (ex: sword)? Will you create an extension on the character that fits perfectly with that accessory?

  3. Hey Elijah, it’s intriguing to see how you’re bridging the world of gaming with 3D printing. The idea of creating a character with movable parts and accessories will need a detailed and thoughtful approach. I’m eager to see the blend of creativity and engineering in your final product.

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