Atah Omar Final Project Proposal – Lattice Structures


For my final project I have 3 main ideas. At first, after we saw the chess pieces, I wanted to do something game related. I planned on expanding more with the extruder turtle library and create multiple objects that resemble playing cards. I was going to use the library to create the gcode that creates each suit of playing cards. Then after doing some research, I found some interesting articles about lattice structures and shape memory materials. I found this really interesting since I can use grasshopper and python to create the lattice structure and print it using the shape memory filament and be able to transform the structure when heat is applied. This is the main idea that I want to pursue, but as I do more digging, finding shape memory filament is actually quite hard. So far, I have only found places in Japan that sell this type of material which is TPU SMP filament. I would get it, but who knows how long it would take to get here. I also have access to a resin printer (Creality Halot Mage Pro) that I could use. I think it would also be really exciting to explore that machine and a new type of material that we haven’t used in class before. So if all goes well, I will use the SMP filament to create these lattice structures, but If I need to I will use the resin printer.


  • Nov 2nd, Be able to acquire the shape memory filament
  • Nov 9th, Done most of the research to create lattice structures
  • Nov 16th, Have some Lattice Structures created using grasshopper
  • Nov 23th, Create test objects, to test the material out
  • Nov 30th, Have the final designs done
  • Dec 7th, Finish the project along with all the deliverables


  • Lattice Structures
  • If using SMP filament, I will bring hot water and a container to demonstrate the shape memory of the material

Related Work

The academic article I got the idea from was from here,, this article will help provide the knowledge of how to create the objects using the correct math and algorithms to actually create the structures with the SMP filament.

Here is a video of the SMP filament reacting to the different temperature changes.

6 thoughts on “Atah Omar Final Project Proposal – Lattice Structures

  1. This sounds really neat. How will you tie the heat changing filament to the playing cards?

    1. The playing cards, were my initial thought for the project, I was going to do the lattice structure and use the smp filament to demonstrate the structure being manipulated and then going back to its initial state.

  2. Hi Atah, I like your playing cards idea. I think it’s a unique concept. I suggest making sure it’s thick enough not to break.

    1. Hi Raneem, If I do the playing card design, I am going to make the cards have multiple layers so it doesn’t mess up.

  3. Hey Atah,
    I think that this is a super cool idea, I hope the cards turn out well, I hope you’re able to get the SMP filament so we can see the reforming in action!

    1. Hello Andy, so far I can only find SMP filament from places in Japan, or in university research labs. I haven’t found any commercial sale of them just yet. If I don’t find any I plan on using a bamboo TPU Filament I was able to acquire.

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