Michaela – Large Assignment Project 02

Project No. 2 – Funky Vases

This project was super fun and I really enjoyed making all those parametric vessels. The design process took me several days, as the printing process was quite time consuming. I enjoyed playing around with different parameters – including the number of facets, points of angles and the angles itself. I struggled with figuring out the opening and closing on top and the bottom of the vessels. I used the Cura software to flip the design, because I did not think it would print correctly if I tried to print the closure as last. I wanted to make sure it starts printing with the solid bottom first.

I will definitely be playing a lot more with the software and figure out more designs.

This was my very first time 3D printing anything, so I struggled with figuring out the correct temperature as the pre-set was not working for me with the preset temperature and the one from class at 260 degrees did not either. All three of my designs have “funky” textures, but overall I am not too worried about it. It helped me name the vessels – it is a bunch of “funky vases”. I changed the material to different colors, just to see if it changes anything. It did not really. There was simply not enough time to redo any of them. I printed them one per day since Friday, so this project did not have enough time to make more prints and have the perfect texture.

Rhino Design
Cura Design

I really enjoyed this design process, because the visual aid of the software and the immediate differences showed me my “final” product. I do think it has advantage for people like me, who are not very patient and perhaps not super creative, although I do not wish to diminish how much creativity it can endure. I think it just allows a bit more power over the design as with different mediums, because this is very precise (once you master it).

When I was loading my material, I struggled a few times, because it snapped and I was so worried that I would have the entire tube thing apart. Luckily, I did not have to.

I had many designs that I did not use, but I really enjoyed playing with the different settings. I did not have anything specific in mind, although, my red vase was quite intentional, the final product was not. It looked very different before baking and the actual vase itself. I wasn’t sure how to adjust the code enough to make it more “funky”, but I will definitely will be doing that in the future.

Bottom View
Top View
Funky Vase 1
Funky Vase 2
Funky Vase 3

Overall, I am quite pleased and I will most definitely be making more vessels. My Halloween decorations are coming along and these will be perfect for little potions for my witches 🙂 I might need to paint them.

Witch 1
Witch 2

My Grasshopper File can be found HERE

I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I did and I am looking forward to see what you created!


6 thoughts on “Michaela – Large Assignment Project 02

  1. Hi Michaela, I liked your vessels a lot. They really do look funky and cool! I especially like the first one -it looks amazing!

    1. Hi Raneem, thank you! I was worried that the mis-shapes and print errors would cause a lot of embarrassment to me. I usually try to strive high, but this class is humbling me pretty good. I am glad that I am learning first hand that art and design can have “happy accidents”.

  2. Hello Michaela, your vessels are beautiful. Maybe you can make them bigger to hold the candies~

    1. Hello Jingbo, thank you. And thank you for the suggestion. That is a brilliant idea! I am totally going to attempt to do that!

  3. Hello Michalea, I really enjoyed your presentation about your vessels. I also was getting confused with rhino about how the vessel looked like it was 2 object together. I found out it was from me selecting something else when trying to view my object. I also tried making a lot of designs but when I would import them into cura, the whole object would need supports and adhesion and make the print time go from 6 hours to 15 hours and I didn’t have that much time. Great Job!

    1. Thank you Atah, yes! It’s always a bit time-consuming to learn a new program and even the new language. I’ve never used python before, but I like that the professor guides us through the code. That is super helpful to me and then we can apply our logic. I can’t imagine to figure everything out all at once. And great job to you too!

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