Large Assignment 2: Parametric Vessels

Design Process:

I leaned towards a simple but elegant design with each vessel. I believe my design ideas came from some fashion shows I have been watching lately that have been showing off elegant and flowing styles of clothing. The curves in my designs remind me a lot of Iris Van Herpen and her couture collection as seen here in her 2020 Sensory Seas Show.

Reflection on Parametric Design:

I found that the preciseness of the objects being designed with code and then printed on the Endor 3D printer are on another level as far as details go. To be able to go from designing something in a 3D space and developing it in the real world within an hours with such detail is a game changer not just for hobbyists but this will fit in very well within my architecture studio classes where we make models. This process will help me in new and exciting designs with ease of assembly for future projects. This process on a larger scale would bring efficiency to any business that can utilize it to help save time, money and labor. 

Reflection of the creative agency and intent:

My designs where made primarily by changing the parameters within grasshopper along with adding some parameters to the existing rList, zList and angleList. During the design process and printing I noticed that I needed to lift the bottom up by 2mm and then dropped the z component down to -2mm. This created a nice base so the vessels could stand up correctly. While playing with the parameters I would watch how the vessel would transform with the intention of at least making an elegant shape that would print out smooth and clean. I’m not too sure I feel this was completely my idea. The original code was written by Leah Buechley. If anything I feel like I co-authored the design as I was unable to figure out how to manipulate the angles on the x and y coordinates which I believe starts is in the written code itself.  

Code for Grasshopper is below.

6 thoughts on “Large Assignment 2: Parametric Vessels

  1. It’s really cool how you created a curve in the triangular piece. It’s cool how you made these. I have not seen a triangular shape design like that before. Awesome job!

    1. Thank you, it was my test piece and I too enjoy the look it gave me. I like it so much I’m using it in my Architecture class as a design or at least some inspiration to a design on a current project I’m involved in. Glad you like it.

  2. Hello Christopher,
    This is a perfect design for the surface of the vessels in my opinion. Your vessels appear shiny and sparkling as a result of the triangular pieces reflecting light.

    1. Thank you. I didn’t plan on that at all and according to the professor it has everything to do with exporting the file as an STL and changing the tolerance. The tolerance on these pieces was fairly low (Set at .01). To get a smoother look I would change this to (.001). I personally like the look as well and will probably keep using these same settings.

  3. Hey Christopher, I really like the bend in that triangular piece. It turned out really good! The twist in the Pentavase also looks really smooth. Well done!

    1. Thank you very much. I didn’t really change anything except for the facets, r and z parameters and of course the angle. I personally like the triangle vase and will be using the design for a project I’m involved with.

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