Atah Omar L-Systems

My process of picking plants wasn’t anything crazy. I just didn’t want to do the generic weed type of plants that are everywhere in Albuquerque. When I was working, I was looking outside for plants and found a beautiful sunflower and plant/weed that looked really nice. My third plant is during spring earlier this year. My family has a business and next to is a fire department that has a rose bush that looks awesome when it’s fully bloomed. Luckily I had a picture of the bush with my baby brother and decided to use that. Some I knew I was going to encounter was to create the sunflower. The main way I overcame this was literally just writing out the rule set and just playing with them over and over again until I was satisfied with the result.

Rose Bush

This is the image of the rose bush I had, I had to cut it, so that my brother isn’t visible in the picture.

Rose Bush
Rose Bush Design


Sunflower I found outside of work
Sunflower Design, the design would go crazy, so I had to capture at the right moment.

Long Plant(Don’t Know the name)

The long plant
Long plant design

Fabricated Product

At first, I knew I wanted to use the transfer paper to print on some type of fabric. From the examples shown in class, they were all on some type of creative fabric. I was trying to think of something really unique, and while I was building my brother’s PC I thought, why not use a mouse pad as the fabric to use. At first I got a mouse pad that was really good fabric and when I was using the iron to melt the mouse pad. Then I went and grabbed mouse pads that wouldn’t melt and I printed the design on the wrong side of the transfer paper. After about 3 tries I was able to successfully print my design onto the mouse pad. Since I used a mouse pad, I am going to end up using the mouse pad for my set up I have.

Whole Mousepad Hung Up
Overtop view of the mousepad
MousePad in use with my mouse
The first failed attempt with the mousepad melting

Thank you for checking out L-Systems!

Part 1 Questions

1 a) 360/2π = 180π.
b) Same as part A, 360/2π = 180/π.

2) The equation would be A + B, because according the simple-closed-path theorem the arc contributes to the turning by its own interior angle at each endpoint.

One thought on “Atah Omar L-Systems

  1. Hi Atah! Nice job on your L Systems, I particularly like the sun flower it reminds of a lego version. Sorry you hit so many bumps in your fabrication process but I am glad that you had back up mouse pads and did not give up. I

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