Lin’s introductions and Inspiration

Hello, my name is Lin and I am from CS department. I have been coding and researching in UNM for four years and I found Leah’s work highly interesting. My reasearch concentrate on chemicla reaction computation models and data related techniques. I always found data visualization is a great and powerful tool to faciltate my research.

One computational design I found inspiring is the CCTV Headquarters in Beijing, China. The architect design of this building is provided by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren from OMA[1], while the complex engineering design is provided by Cecil Balmond at Arup[2].

The CCTV headquarters building in Beijing, also known as the “CCTV Tower” or the “Big Pants Building” due to its distinctive architectural design. Tools such as structural analysis and simulation, architectural Design and Modeling are used for this building. I used to live quite close to this building and can see it every morning when I woke up. I almost witnessed the whole process of the building from ground zero. It is really a fascinating piece of work to me.



[3] CCTV HeadquartersPres.pdf (

One thought on “Lin’s introductions and Inspiration

  1. Hey Lin, great post.
    That is a really cool looking building, its so neat to see that we can use computers to design such unique and differently shaped buildings. I like how you can actually just see right through the middle of the building. Before computers I don’t think a design like this would be possible to construct.

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