Introduction: Lasair Servilla

Hello, my name is Lasair. This will be my 6th year here at UNM as an undergrad because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until I stumbled into computer science. I will be graduating this December with both a BS in computer science and a BA in Philosophy. I can’t say that I had previously heard of this class, however the title/description definitely caught my attention. I’ve always loved creating and designing and this class sounded like the perfect way to incorporate that in CS. I am very much looking forward to what this semester brings.

The project I chose is the spire dress created by Alexis Walsh. Walsh is a designer and artist that uses 3D printing incorporated with traditional methods of hand crafted fashion. The spire dress was created using a parametric design process to come up with the over 300 pieces that were then printed and put together by hand. See for more images of the project and Walsh’s bio. Fashion has always intrigued me as a form of wearable art. From draping fabrics to bead work the craftsmanship that goes into these wearable pieces is incredible. I even created my own prom dress in high school just playing around with draping the fabric on a mannequin. It is for these reasons that I gravitated to a project in fashion. This project in general caught my eye because of the mix of delicacy and complexity .

Spire Dress: designed and created by Alexis Walsh

2 thoughts on “Introduction: Lasair Servilla

  1. This is another space that intrigues me. The fashion world is full of computational design. One person I’ve been following lately is Iris Van Herpen. It is just amazing what they can make out of computer modeling and the fine work they do with there hands. Here is a link you may like. Some of the most beautiful work I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love fashion too! Clothing has always felt the easiest way to express my self. I felt like I spent a lot of time looking at digitally fabricated clothing but I missed this designer. I particularly liked the fabric with the 3d printed pieces on it from this collection. Thanks for sharing!

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