Michaela Urich (Introduction)

Hello, my name is Michaela. I am in my last semester of my undergraduate Computer Science (CS) degree. I am finishing my 5th year, as I had to take many math classes prior to my focus on CS. I was almost 20 years out of school at that point, so I had to start from the very beginning. I am very excited to be done with my degree and I have a few exciting things lined after I graduate. I am excited to be in this class and I chose to take this class because I heard it was an amazing class with an interesting and creative focus. I like to be artsy sometimes, so it immediately caught my interest.

I was looking for fun computational design and I ultimately chose the 3D printed fabric. I love fashion and style, so I was naturally drawn to this discipline of computational design.
It is a fairly new discipline, where the material is co-fabricated in the macroscopic form which uses the machine to 3D print it. The different fabrics are made by the weaving or knitting together many threads into a cohesive whole 3D-printed fabric. Since the printer can’t readily weave individual fibers together there are a variety of methods used to make the materials. The simplest method seems to be the chainmail method, where many small individual links join together to make a relatively rigid material.

Danit Peleg Craftbot 3D Printed Dress

3D Printing Fabrics (Link & My Inspiration):

I look forward to meeting and working with you all. Have an amazing start to your semester!!!


5 thoughts on “Michaela Urich (Introduction)

  1. Hi Michaela, I like that you chose a clothing piece. It is cool what computational fabrication can do especially when it comes to clothes. I specifically find it interesting how pieces of material can be formed to make something identical to thread.

    1. Hi Fiona, thank you so much for sharing the link! I will most definitely look at her designs, I am always so intrigued. There is more and more artists popping up on Instagram and even TikTok that I enjoy watching. Soooo neat!

  2. Hi Michaela,

    I love fashion too! If I am correctly mapping your name to you I have had another class with you and I always enjoyed seeing what outfit you had on. I watched way too many YouTube videos last night of people 3d printing clothing. I was really impressed with how comfortable some of them looked. I enjoyed this video in particular: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwixwZKb7YWBAxWoGzQIHXbNCpkQwqsBegQIKhAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D54kjB3wOOtQ&usg=AOvVaw2c67drZ9LRkHU3x84tkX2l&opi=89978449
    I look forward to seeing your projects this semester.

  3. Hi Erin! Oh, wow! That video was amazing. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. That is very encouraging people are experimenting with different materials and designs. No faux pas with innovative art designs!
    And yes, I believe we had a class together last semester

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