Small Assign 1: 3D Printing Adobe

My name is Christopher O’Neill and was born and raised in beautiful Albuquerque, NM and its surrounding sites. My love for nature comes from my exploration in the mountains, lakes, old ruins and the pueblos surrounding me. I have a strong feeling to bring back old building materials into the future and I feel that this class would be a step in the right direction. I am currently in my third year at the School of Architecture working on a masters in architecture. During my studies I ran across my current idol, Ronald Rael. His 3D Work with earth materials like mud and clay also known as adobe have come back into the modern word through computational fabrication. He’s currently researching and building 3D machines that can turn sawdust into furniture along with salts and other natural materials but his big projects would be the 3D dwellings he is installing in southern Colorado. The machine, program and mixtures of adobe materials are all a part of his work and research. It makes me very excited to return to our ancestors and the stewards of this land to learn how to bring a sustainable future back to our planet and help mitigate the climate issues we face today. 

Personal Bio:  Ronald Rael

Emerging Objects Corp: 3D Work

5 thoughts on “Small Assign 1: 3D Printing Adobe

  1. Hi Christopher, I’m intrigued by the possible fusion between pueblo designs and computation fabrication. I like how each part of the brick is designed in a way that when placed all together makes a very detailed and strong structure.

  2. Hi Christopher! I love this work – I’m very curious about the integration of 3D printing with architecture and especially the use of sustainable materials. Ronald Rael’s body of work you’ve linked has some fascinating projects. I love his 3D printed pottery work “Bad Hombrés” []. It’s particularly striking the way he took the structures generated by gravitational pull and flipped them upside down, brilliant in its simplicity.

  3. Hi Christopher,
    It’s a beautiful house. Is it possible for them to design some furniture along with the house? And also the roof ?

  4. Hi Christopher,
    This project is really inspiring, I feel like most of the architectural projects that use computational design that I’ve seen are grandiose buildings. Its nice to see some sustainable projects too, thanks for sharing!

  5. Hello Christopher, this is a really awesome and beautiful field to be going into. I love the idea of sustainable architecture, and the fact that it merges with architecture with cultural significance to this area is really incredible. Adobe is fantastic and it seems like traditional hand built houses take a lot of labor (well worth it I’m sure of course), so it’s really cool that this may make it able to be accessible to more people in order to make a difference in sustainable housing.

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