Small Assignment: Introductions and Inspiration

Due Dates

Assignment due date: 9am, Tuesday August 29
Discussion due date: 9am, Thursday August 31


Create a post on this website. In it you should introduce yourself to the class and describe a project that involves computational design that you find inspiring. Design is a broad category that can include video games, scientific models, buildings, fashion, food, and more. Feel free to interpret the category broadly!

The post should include basic information about you including your focus of study, year in school, and why you enrolled in this class. It should also describe and link to the project you have chosen. A link to the original project documentation is preferable to sources like blogs. Identify the person or team who created the project and provide a little information about them (ie: a link to their bio). Identify the computational method(s) that were used in the project you chose and reflect on why you find it compelling. Include at least one image from the project in your post.

Add your post to the “Small Assignment – Introduction” subcategory, in the Student Work 2023 category. Make sure you put it in the Student 2023 category and not the Student Work 2022 category.

Log in to the site here.


See student posts here. Read and comment on the posts of at least three of your classmates.