Final Project Proposal

Due Dates

Assignment : 9am, Tuesday April 5
Comments: 9am, Thursday April 7
Comment responses: 9pm, Saturday April 9


Describe a project you would like to work on for your final project. You will spend the last three weeks of classes working on your final project. Projects are due during finals week. The project should be larger in scale than any of the large assignments. You can choose to, for example: explore an algorithmic technique in more depth, create a set of objects, explore a material or machine in more depth, etc. You may work in teams of up to two people for this assignment.

What to Hand In
Create a post on this website that describes your project. Your post should include:

  • A description of your project including the clear identification of a set of deliverables.
  • Identification of team members if applicable.
  • A timeline that describes how you will accomplish your plan including the identification of milestones with dates.
  • Identification of at least two pieces of related work. Your post should include a description of the related work and how it will inform your project. Include links, and (if applicable) images of the related work. Related work should be in the form of an original source. It can be an academic paper or thorough documentation of a designer’s or artist’s work. It should not be a news article or blog post about a project.


Read all of your classmates’ posts. Comment on at least three of them. If you have any suggestions for related work, algorithmic techniques, materials, or machines that your classmates may want to explore, these are especially welcome. Read and respond to all of the comments posted on your proposal.

If you are working as a team, each team member should comment on three projects individually.