Large Assignment 3: Tiling

Due Dates

Assignment : 9am, Tuesday March 29th
Initial comments: 9am, Thursday March 31st
Comment responses: 9am, Saturday April 2nd


The purpose of this assignment is to explore the creation of different kinds of tiles and tiling applications. It has three components, described below

Part 1: Escher Tiles
Write a program that uses turtle geometry to create a set of Escher-esque tiles and use them to tile the plane. Your tiling should be based on one of the three Regular tilings. Edit the edges and vertices of a regular polygon base tile, maintaining the constraints we discussed in class, to come up with your Escher inspired design. You should create nice software generated images of your base tile(s) as well as a nice image of a tiling of the plane. Use colors and feel free to decorate the tile surfaces!

For this component of the assignment, you can use either Processing, with the turtle library we explored in class, or you can write your code in Python and use the Python turtle library.

Part 2: 3D tiling across a surface
Write a program in Grasshopper and Rhino that creates a 3D tile. The tile can be generated from scratch with code, or you can import a base tile from another source (maybe your Escher tile from Part 1). You should write code in Grasshopper that: a) turns your base shape into a 3D tile, b) generates a tiling of the plane from this base tile, and c) Morphs your tiling (not just a single tile) across three different surfaces to create interesting 3D designs.

Your tile should be more than just a regular polygon. It should have an interesting surface texture and/or a lace-like structure (holes).

Create at least three different surfaces, two planar, z = f(x,y), and one cylindrical, z = f(r,theta). Morph your tiling across all three surfaces.

Extra credit (10 points): Create a second tiling that is semi-regular or k-uniform. Also morph this tiling across your surfaces.

Part 3: 3D printed form
Print out one of the forms you designed in Part 2. Your print should have a total volume of at least: 4″ x 2″ x 2″ (100mm x 50mm x 50mm).

What to Hand In

Create a post on this website that documents the work that you did. Your post should include:

  • Part 1: Escher Tiles:
    • A description of your process and how your code generated your tiling.
    • A discussion of any challenges you encountered.
    • At least two images: a close up of your tile(s) and an image showing how they tile the plane.
    • Your code. Name your files or folder for this part of the assignment: FirstnameLastnameEscher
  • Part 2: 3D Tiling Across a Surface
    • A description of your process and how your code generated your tiling.
    • A discussion of any challenges you encountered.
    • A Rhino image showing a close up of your 3D tile(s).
    • A Rhino image showing a flat tiling of the plane with your tile.
    • Rendered Rhino images for each of your Surface Morph designs.
    • Your Grasshopper code. If your Grasshopper file depends on a shape imported to or drawn in Rhino, also include your Rhino file. Name your files or folder: FirstnameLastnameTile.
  • Part 3: 3D Printed Form
    • A description of your process including any challenges you had. Describe, in particular, whether or not you used supports and how that helped or hindered your print.
    • At least three excellent images of your final printed artifact from different angles against a simple background. Follow the photo tutorial

Put all of your code files into a single folder titled FirstnameLastnameLA3. Zip the file, upload it and add a link to your post. Add your post to the “Large Assignment 3 – Tiling” category.


Read all of your classmates’ posts and comment at least three of them. Try to comment on projects that haven’t been commented on or that have fewer comments. Comment on both the artifact and reflections.

Respond to at least two comments. If you don’t have enough comments to respond to, email Leah.