Marcos Lopez LA2

Design Process

When working on this assignment it really felt like there was a wide range of opportunities that I could explore with this project. The examples that were given at the start were interesting in the fact that there was such a wide variety of what was possible. I really tried to find something that was visually interesting to me while still having some sort of uniqueness at least compared to the examples that we were shown. I was playing around with the parameters and the way we were able to position and move around the polygons or shapes we designed. I ended up making two polygons with one being the outside edge and one being an interior with a radius slightly smaller and height connected to a number slider. I then was able to make some pieces that looked like fountains to me. With a well in the center and a growing shape towering above that. I think that the designs I made were interesting and different enough. I actually didn’t like the designs when shelled but chose some that I was fond of. I also tried to use all of the transformation techniques that we looked at in class in some way. I used rotation, translation, and scale but I implemented them in a different way.


Some images of the printing process.

Vessel Three

The Original Vessel is my Trophy Vessel. It reminds me of a Trophy you would get for participation as a kid. The second Vessel Actually failed after about 6 hours of it printing correctly. It still has the general shape and idea, so I did not scrap it, but it is not as tall and does not have as strong of a rotation. The Third Vessel is My Chalice. I really like its design and I think it can be adapted into a fountain with minimal changes. I can just picture the water flowing around its rotation.


I think the parametric design really allowed me to make precise and clean designs that I would never have been able to If I had placed the points and lines. I also think that using code to create the objects allows me to make several different kinds of objects very quickly and I can even make objects that I wouldn’t have been able to think of before.

I think the ability to create objects with code is so liberating as someone who is not the best at traditional building or design. I am able to use the skills that I have studied for and have practiced with to make something beautiful and interesting as well. It really is a godsend for someone who wants to be creative but is bad at building things.

Creative Agency

I think this project allowed for my creative side to show. Even when we had pretty simple procedures and code, I felt like I was still able to experiment and make something I like. I think in terms of the process of finalizing the vessels, I took a step-by-step process. I would start with the basics and change one thing. If I liked that, I would then make one other change and see if I liked that. I would repeat that a couple of times until I got to a point where, Either it became too complicated or unable to 3D print, or I liked it enough to finalize the object. I don’t think I can take authorship credit for this, however. I feel like I used a process to make something I liked but the process was already there. It’s like when you make a lightsaber at galaxy’s edge. Like yes, it is your lightsaber, but it was also part of a thing that was already made so that you can then make said lightsaber. I still really like it but I would never want to take too much credit.

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4 thoughts on “Marcos Lopez LA2

  1. Hi Marcos,
    All your works above are so beautiful. I especially love the second vessel. I love its flower shape and I also love how it is tilted to one side instead of standing up straight. I think that makes the shape look much more interesting. I also like all your physical pieces you brought to class. They all look very nice and clean that make me feel like there would be no difficulties for you when working on the 3D printer.

  2. Very cool designs! I like the way you had the shapes kinda fold in on themselves, it definitely gives them a unique look.

  3. I love how you turned a challenge into an opportunity. Your resulting forms are really interesting and useful. They are so heavy, which is unique for a 3D print.

  4. Hi Marcos,
    Seeing you using trophy and light-saber reminds me of tennis. Sometimes when I left the library, I saw people doing light saber duels near the duck pond. I sometimes wondered how people designed the different styles of light saber move and thought maybe tennis can be a source of inspiration. Along this line of thought, I wondered what actually determined winning or loss in a tennis match? Maybe not the outward appearance? Because sometimes, even though certain moves looks cool, but maybe the reason that a player can do some handsome move is because his opponent produced some weakness.
    And trophy conjured the trophy pose in tennis serve. And leads me to reflect on my own LA2. It seems I focus more on trying different pieces, putting them together instead of letting them curve, twist or turn. Maybe I should try this in future opportunity too.
    And seeing your reflection, I sudden has an argument(?). Maybe the authorship of a parametric design process lies in the choices?

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