Ruby’s Large Assignment 1: L-System Lace

  1. Three L-Systems.

*Abstract Fractals: I made three different abstract fractals for this assignment. I played around with the different values of angles, sizes, iterations, and axioms to create more interesting shapes and patterns. For this first abstract fractal, it took me a very long time to figure out the rule to create this pattern. Also, I had to test it with many different angles to see which angle can make it look the best and I found that using a 60-degree angle can create this interesting pattern.

Abstract Fractal 1

With the goal of making either spiral or circular shapes, I tried to form up a rule that can create this shape. I also had to test out many different rules to develop the shape that I want. One important fact of the code for this shape is that I have to use exactly 6 iterations so it can create this circular shape with perfect lines wrapping around the circle.

This is also one of the shapes that I decided to plot. The result turned out pretty good. Since there is a lot of drawing required for shape, the pen didn’t release enough ink the entire time during plotting so the drawing is not very clear.

Abstract Fractal 2
Abstract Fractal 2 – Plotting

The bellow is my Abstract Fractal 3. I tried to create a dandelion flower and this is what I got. It doesn’t look a lot like a dandelion but I love the shape of this flower. I used different colors in this form to make it more dimensional.

Abstract Fractal 3

I adapted the code from the lecture to include the element of randomness on branch structure to create this form. Using the turtle drawing method that we have practiced in the first small project, I divided a circle into many small sections then make the turtle draw from the center of the circle and create branches as it goes. I had a very hard time drawing those red flowers on the small branches because I had to bring the turtle back to the right place before it continues drawing more branches and flowers.

Botanical form
Botanical form 2

For this part of our assignment, I wanted to create some geometry shapes that all form up close together so I can use the laser cutter to cut it out. I used a 60-degree angle to create these triangles and I love the structure that it created. I used 4 iterations to create the shape below. This caused me some issues when using the laser cutter because the overall shape is too delicate, I couldn’t cut out the whole shape as I desired. So, I make another simple shape using only 3 iterations for my cutout.

An L-System that is interpreted with shapes other than simple lines

2. A Rogan Brown inspired cut out.

I had a lot of fun creating my design below. Getting the inspiration from this work of Rogan Brown, I tried to create some big circular shapes that are surrounded by smaller wheels around them. I used the LSystem technique to create branches inside the bigger circles. There are also elements of randomness in this work: the small wheels around the bigger circles are randomly created. I did that to make sure they all stay in groups.

A Rogan Brown inspired design
A Rogan Brown inspired cut out


4 thoughts on “Ruby’s Large Assignment 1: L-System Lace

  1. Overall, your creativity really shined through these designs. Your fractal designs are wonderful and the plotting on the second design looks great. The wood cutout of your third fractal design turned out very cool because of the triangular shapes that were made through your L-System. Adding the shapes and randomness on your botanical designs helped make the design pop. I also appreciate the colors you used throughout all of the designs. You and I had a similar idea for the Rogan Brown inspired design and your design proved to be excellent. The plotting of it was fantastic and I can see the inspiration. Great job on everything!

  2. Hey Ruby,
    Your designs are so beautiful! I love how the abstract fractal L-system and the shape L-system look so three-dimensional. Especially with the color changes in the first one, I feel like I can visualize the space in a physical form or a building blueprint. Also, I really like how your Rogan Brown designs came out. Plotting was probably a good choice for this one, since you can create so much more dainty designs like in his art. The thin lines and subtle branching look a lot like his. Nice work!

  3. What stood out the most to me about your designs is the colors used. They add a really nice touch and highlight the different elements really well. My favorite design is the botanical form. I really like this since it went much further than the examples in class and looks very life like. Placing the red flowers with the green stems and black background looks really nice and the black background helps the eye focus in on the design more. Really nice pieces!

  4. I really enjoyed your use of colors and the attention that everyone can tell that it was given. The colors that you used on the black background really makes the botanical form pop out of the image. I also like how the branches extend well past the roots and spiral back.

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