Tom Igoe
Tom Igoe–co-founder of Arduino, author of many books, contributor of many open source software and hardware libraries + amazing teacher–will be visiting the Hand and Machine lab the week of February 26, 2024 and is giving two talks that are free and open to the public. Come to one or both of them!
Tuesday Feburary 27th at 5:30 pm
Where: UNM ARTSLab
Wednesday February 28th at 2pm
Where: Centennial Engineering Center Auditorium, room 1041
A little light reading: changes in lighting technology and the human and environmental health
The lighting industry has seen some significant changes in the past decade. There are four driving forces behind this:
* LEDs are the primary lighting technology now;
* Digital control of light is becoming increasingly common;
* Recent discoveries in biology have detailed light’s impact on human health;
* The lighting industry has a material impact on the environment.
These factors change profoundly how we design, how we teach lighting design, how we make lighting fixtures. The first two affect what we can do with light; the second two affect what we should do with light. In this talk, I’ll discuss these factors in context of the lighting industry and its intersection with digital systems and human and environmental health.